turnout: 13.5%
1,794 of
13,323 registered voters
[ March
2008 voter turnout: 20.6% (2,433
of 11,795 registered voters) ]
[ March
2007 voter turnout: 23.6% (2,664
of 11,269 registered voters) ]
[ March 2006 voter turnout: 29.5% (3,329
of 11,284 registered voters) ]
[ March 2005 voter turnout: 21.8% (2,448
of 11,210 registered voters) ]
= Winners
Articles |
ARTICLE 1 - Election of Officers: |
(2 for 3 years) |
Candidates |
Votes |
"Nick" Campasano |
1,213 |
Fournier |
1,000 |
Gordon |
728 |
COMMITTEE (4 for 3 years) |
Candidates |
Votes |
Caron |
995 |
J. Cloutier |
1,127 |
Fournier |
932 |
* Elected to Board of Selectmen -
cannot serve on Budget Committee as well |
R. Hunt |
909 |
L. Olson |
863 |
TRUSTEE (1 for 3 years)
- Uncontested |
Candidates |
Votes |
Konieczny |
1,438 |
TRUSTEES (1 for 2 years) - Uncontested |
Candidates |
Votes |
Mike Lawler |
1,401 |
TRUSTEES (2 for 3 years) - Uncontested |
Candidates |
Votes |
Richard Chamberlin |
1,241 |
Sara Santoro |
1,314 |
BOARD (1 for 1 year) |
Candidates |
Votes |
J. Dutton |
575 |
Griffin |
914 |
BOARD (2 for 3 years) |
Candidates |
Votes |
G. Adams |
994 |
R. Hunt |
711 |
Alan H. Yeaton |
940 |
COMMISSION (1 for 3 years)
- Uncontested |
Candidates |
Votes |
James A. Bouchard |
1,384 |
OF TRUST FUNDS (1 for 3 years)
- Uncontested |
Candidates |
Votes |
Huddy |
1,342 |
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (1 for 3 years)
Candidates |
Votes |
Jo Ann Duffy |
884 |
Denise M. Herman |
541 |
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (1 for 2 years)
- Uncontested |
Candidates |
Votes |
Kevin Reigstad |
1,321 |
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (1 for 1 year)
- Uncontested |
Candidates |
Votes |
Leonard “Len” Stuart |
1,343 |
ARTICLES 2 through 30: |
NO |
Article |
1,107 |
512 |
2 (Planning Board):
"Shall the Town adopt Amendment #1 as proposed by the Planning Board,
amending Section 3 by inserting a new section between Sections
3.5 and 3.6,
renumbering as appropriate, this new section to read:
3.6 Workforce Housing |
3.6.1 |
In the event that an applicant intends to qualify for workforce housing
under RSA 674:60I, the Planning Board may require agreements so that
the units so designated would remain as workforce housing. |
3.6.2 |
In order to evaluate the cost of complying with the conditions and
restrictions and the effect on economic viability, under RSA 674:40II,
the Planning Board would expect that the applicant’s submission would
include, but not be limited to, square-foot size of dwelling units, number
of bedrooms, property cost, site development cost, cost of off-site
improvements, unit construction cost per square foot, architectural and
engineering cost, legal cost, construction financing cost, developer’s
profit, cost of conditions and restrictions. |
(Planning Board voted 5-2-0 to
recommend) |
1,179 |
439 |
3 (Planning Board):
"Shall the Town adopt Amendment #3 as proposed by the Planning Board,
amending Section 4.3, Table of Dimensional Regulations, so that the footnote
“Less setback or more building footprint by Planning Board Conditional Use
Permit.” will also apply to the Residential Density-2 district"
(Planning Board voted 7-0-0 to recommend) |
1,135 |
475 |
4 (Planning Board):
"Shall the Town adopt Amendment #4 as proposed by the Planning Board,
amending Section 5.21, Residential Small Business Office-1, by adding a new
Section 5.21.7 to read: The issuance of a demolition permit shall require a
conditional use permit, with the Planning Board finding, in addition to Section
15.4.1 Conditional Use Standards, that there has been a fire, natural disaster or
other casualty loss requiring building demolition, or that the proposed demolition
will not be materially harmful to the stated intent of this district."
(Planning Board voted
7-0-0 to recommend) |
1,245 |
370 |
5 (Planning Board):
"Shall the Town adopt Amendment #5 as proposed by the Planning Board,
amending Section 5.23, Residential Wind Turbine in order to meet changes in
State Statute, RSA 674:62 through 674:66, the full text of which is available at
the Town Office"
(Planning Board voted
7-0-0 to recommend) |
1,127 |
486 |
6 (Planning Board):
"Shall the Town adopt Amendment #6 as proposed by the Planning Board, amending Section 6.4.2, adding a new sentence reading: Signs, for which sign content is changed electronically, shall require a Conditional Use Permit."
(Planning Board voted
7-0-0 to recommend) |
1,137 |
444 |
7 (Planning Board):
"Shall the Town adopt Amendment #7 as proposed by the Planning Board,
amending Section 13.3 Wetland and Surface Water Conservation
(WSWC) District by removing language relating to process which is more appropriately
contained within the Planning Board’s Development Regulations, the full text of
which is available at the Town Office."
(Planning Board voted
7-0-0 to recommend) |
1,207 |
375 |
8 (Planning Board):
"Shall the Town adopt Amendment #10 as proposed by the Planning Board,
amending Section to read: Granting the variance would not be contrary
to the public interest."
(Planning Board voted
7-0-0 to recommend) |
948 |
652 |
9 (Planning Board):
"Shall the Town adopt Amendment #11 as proposed by the Planning Board, to
specifically include fencing as one of the items that would be reviewed in an
Historic District, by amending Section 3.4.4: adding “fence” after the word
structure in the first sentence and adding “or the erection, alteration or removal of
any fence” at the end of this Section’s last sentence."
(Planning Board voted
6-1-0 to recommend) |
900 |
780 |
10 (Town Operating Budget):
"To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate for the operation,
expenses and commitments of the town government, the budget approved by the
Budget Committee in the amount of Nineteen Million Three Hundred Sixty Two
Thousand Three Hundred Fifty Eight Dollars ($19,362,358).
This budget will be predicated by estimated revenues in the amount of Seven
Million Five Hundred Thirty Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty Nine Dollars
The Sewer Enterprise Fund of One Million Six Hundred Fifty Four Thousand
Two Hundred Ninety Three Dollars ($1,654,293) is included in this revenue
amount and in the appropriations requested in this article.
The EMS Special Revenue Fund of Three Hundred Ninety Nine Thousand
Thirty Eight Dollars ($399,038) is included in this revenue amount and in the
appropriations request in this article.
The motion on the operating budget shall be the following, with only the
appropriation amount subject to amendment: “Shall the Town of Goffstown
raise and appropriate as an operating budget, not including appropriations by
special warrant articles and other appropriations voted separately, the amounts
set forth on the budget posted with the warrant, or as amended by vote of the first
session, for the purposes set forth therein, totaling Nineteen Million Three
Hundred Sixty Two Thousand Three Hundred Fifty Eight Dollars ($19,362,358)?
Should this article be defeated, the default budget shall be Nineteen Million Two
Hundred Sixty Seven Thousand Four Hundred Fifty Five Dollars ($19,267,455), which is the same as last year, with certain
adjustments required by previous action of the Town of Goffstown or by law or
the governing body may hold one special meeting, in accordance with RSA
40:13 X and XVI, to take up the issue of a revised operating budget only.”
NOTE: This article (operating budget) does not include appropriations in any
other warrant article."
(Board of
Selectmen voted 5-0-0 to recommend)
(Budget Committee voted 9-5-1 to recommend) |
763 |
971 |
11 ($500,000 for Fire
Apparatus Capital Reserve Fund):
"To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate Five Hundred Thousand
Dollars ($500,000) to be placed in the Fire Apparatus Capital Reserve Fund
which was established by vote of last year’s Town Meeting. (This appropriation
is in addition to Article 10.)"
(Board of Selectmen voted
5-0-0 to recommend)
(Budget Committee voted 8-6-0 to NOT recommend) |
996 |
737 |
12 ($15,000 for Goffstown
Main Street Program):
"To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate Fifteen Thousand
Dollars ($15,000) for the purpose of supporting the nonprofit Goffstown Main
Street Program, Inc. (This appropriation is in addition to Article 10.)"
(Board of Selectmen voted
4-1-0 to recommend)
(Budget Committee voted 11-2-1 to recommend) |
1,249 |
504 |
13 (Library Land Purchase -
No Tax Impact):
"To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $300,000 for
the purpose of paying the purchase price as well as all related costs, (title search,
closing costs, etc.), for the acquisition of a portion of Map 38, Lot 101, (12 High
Street, land abutting the Library), (subject to an approved lot line adjustment),
which property will be owned in the name of the Town, but will be used for
library purposes and shall be managed and controlled by the Library Trustees;
and, further, to authorize the Library Trustees to withdraw and expend all of said
appropriated funds from available monies in unrestricted Library Funds; and to
authorize the Selectmen to enter into any and all necessary agreements and
execute any documents to facilitate this purchase, with the understanding that
none of said amount shall be raised by general taxation. (Passage of this
appropriation will not impact the tax rate.)"
(Board of Selectmen voted
4-1-0 to recommend)
(Budget Committee voted 12-1-1 to recommend) |
1,320 |
375 |
14 (Solid Waste Agreement):
"To see if the Town, pursuant to RSA 149-M, will authorize the Selectmen to
enter into an intermunicipal agreement for the purpose of arranging for the
disposal of the Town’s recyclable solid waste, on such terms and conditions as
the Selectmen deem in the best interests of the Town."
by the Board of Selectmen) |
1,158 |
540 |
15 (Establish Parks &
Recreation Revolving Fund):
"To see if the Town will vote to establish a Recreation Revolving Fund
pursuant to RSA 35-B: 2 II. The money received from fees and charges for
recreation park services and facilities shall be allowed to accumulate from year to
year, and shall not be considered to be part of the Town’s General Fund
unreserved fund balance. The town treasurer shall have custody of all monies in
the fund, and shall pay out the same only upon order of the Parks & Recreation
Commission (no further town meeting approval required). These funds may be
expended only for recreational purposes as stated in RSA 35-B, and no
expenditure shall be made in such a way as to require the expenditure of other
town funds that have not been appropriated for that purpose."
by the Board of Selectmen) |
District Articles |
DISTRICT ARTICLES 2 through 4: |
NO |
Article |
1,201 |
515 |
2 (School district
operating budget):
"Shall the Goffstown School District raise and appropriate as an Operating Budget,
not including appropriations by special warrant articles and other appropriations
voted separately, the amounts set forth on the budget posted with the warrant or
as amended by vote of the first session, for the purposes set forth therein, totaling
SEVEN DOLLARS ($34,660,647.00)? Should this Article be defeated, the Default
SIX HUNDRED SEVENTY FIVE DOLLARS ($35,635,675.00), which is the same as
last year, with certain adjustments required by previous action of the Goffstown
School District or by law; or the governing body may hold one special meeting, in
accordance with RSA 40:13, X and XVI, to take up the issue of a revised Operating
Budget only. This warrant article (the Operating Budget Article) does not include
appropriations in ANY other warrant articles." (Majority vote is required). |
534 |
1,178 |
3 ($60,000 to study future
school expansion):
"To see if the Goffstown School District will vote to raise and appropriate up to the sum of SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($60,000.00) to conduct a study and to begin the preliminary work for the expansion of the School District’s School facilities. Funds to come from year end undesignated fund balance available on July 1 of 2009. This appropriation is in addition to Warrant Article # 2, The Operating Budget Article."
(Majority vote is required). |
832 |
889 |
4 (School Resource Officer):
"To see if the Goffstown School District will vote to pay for the prorated salary, benefits, and transportation of the School Resources Officer (SRO) and to raise and appropriate the sum of FIFTY FOUR THOUSAND FORTY THREE DOLLARS ($54,043.00) for this purpose. This appropriation is in addition to Warrant Article # 2, The Operating Budget Article."
(Majority vote is required.) |
795 |
835 |
5 (Budget Committee to
calculate school default budget):
"Shall we adopt the provisions of RSA 40:14-b to delegate the determination of the default budget to the municipal budget committee which has been adopted under RSA 32:14?”
(3/5 Majority vote required.) (Submitted by Petition) |