Results from the March 9, 2010

POSTED 09-MAR-10, 11:06 PM EDT

Voter turnout, March 2010:   22.2% 
2,778 of 12,491 registered voters (101 new voter registrations today!)

[ March 2009 voter turnout: 13.5% (1,794 of 13,323 registered voters) ]
[ March 2008 voter turnout: 20.6% (2,433 of 11,795 registered voters) ]
[ March 2007 voter turnout: 23.6% (2,664 of 11,269 registered voters) ]
[ March 2006 voter turnout: 29.5% (3,329 of 11,284 registered voters) ]
[ March 2005 voter turnout: 21.8% (2,448 of 11,210 registered voters) ]

=  Winners  

 Town Articles

  ARTICLE 1 - Election of Officers: 



 SELECTMAN (2 for 3 years) - Uncontested

  Candidates Votes  
Scott Gross 1,731
David Pierce 1,635
Write-in:   David French  5
Write-in:   Bill Gordon  5
Write-in:   Steve Pascucci    320
Write-in:   48 other individuals  < 5

 BUDGET COMMITTEE (4 for 3 years)

  Candidates Votes  
Ivan Beliveau 1,266
John A. Burt 1,518
John Dillon   1,288
Jennifer "Jen" Getchell 1,373
Dorine L. Olson   1,201
Write-in:   Paul Augros  8
Write-in:   William Bates    137
Write-in:   Enid Mackenzie    6
Write-in:   45 other individuals  < 5

 BUDGET COMMITTEE (1 for 2 years)

  Candidates Votes  
Paul Augros   663
William Bates 695
Enid Mackenzie   583
Write-in:   14 other individuals  < 5

 CEMETERY TRUSTEE (1 for 3 years) - Uncontested

  Candidates Votes  
Jean Walker 2,183  
Write-in:   6 other individuals  < 5

 LIBRARY TRUSTEES (2 for 3 years) - Uncontested

  Candidates Votes  
Lisa M. Iodice 2,048
Carole Witcher   46
Write-in:   45 other individuals  < 5

 PLANNING BOARD (2 for 3 years) - Uncontested

  Candidates Votes  
Barbara Griffin 1,802
Timothy Redmond 1,746
Write-in:   Mark Warden    125
Write-in:   24 other individuals  < 5

 SEWER COMMISSION (1 for 3 years) - Uncontested

  Candidates Votes  
Catherine Whooten 2,042
Write-in:   16 other individuals  < 5

 SUPERVISOR OF THE CHECKLIST (1 for 6 years) - Uncontested

  Candidates Votes  
Suzanne "Sue" Tremblay 2,088
Write-in:   8 other individuals  < 5

 TOWN MODERATOR (1 for 2 years) - Uncontested

  Candidates Votes  
Rodney Stark 2,080
Write-in:   13 other individuals  < 5

 TRUSTEE OF TRUST FUNDS (1 for 3 years) - Uncontested

  Candidates Votes  
Kenneth Rose  2,036
Write-in:   2 other individuals  < 5

 ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (2 for 3 years) - Uncontested

  Candidates Votes  
Gail Labreque 1,843
Edward J. Luppi II 1,690
Write-in:   19 other individuals < 5


TOWN ARTICLES 2 through 30:

YES NO Article
1,601 896 ARTICLE 2 (Planning Board):
"Shall the Town adopt Amendment #1, as proposed by the Planning Board, amending Section 5.9 Mixed Use Development, by adding the following at the end of Section 5.9.1: This maximum percent limitation of residential use in mixed-use buildings or projects may be waived by Conditional Use Permit, with a finding that the proposed plan is reasonable given physical constraints of development sites and/or access limitations."  Planning Board voted 4-2-1 to recommend this article.
1,869 602 ARTICLE 3 (Planning Board): 
"Shall the Town adopt Amendment #2, as proposed by the Planning Board, amending Section 15.3.1 Variances, to read as follows: The ZBA may grant a variance only after it specifically finds that the variance criteria of RSA 674:33,I(b), as amended, are met.Planning Board voted 6-0-1 to recommend this article.
1,837 659 ARTICLE 4 (Planning Board): 
"Shall the Town adopt amendment #3, as proposed by the Planning Board, amending the zoning map to change to Commercial Industrial Flex Zone (CIFZ) zoning from Industrial (I) zoning, on property abutting route 114 at the Goffstown-Bedford town line, identified as Map 3, lots 47-1, 47-2, 47-3, 47-4, 47-5, 47-6, 47-7, 47-8, 47-9 and 47-10.Planning Board voted 7-0-0 to recommend this article.
842 1,681 ARTICLE 5 (Planning Board): 
"Shall the Town adopt amendment #4, as proposed by petition, to amend Section 5.5 to read as follows: 5.5 Agricultural and Horticultural Operations – Farm buildings, farm animals, animal confinement areas, and areas used for maintenance and storage of animal waste shall be located no closer than one hundred (100) feet to any lot line."  Submitted by petition.  Planning Board voted 6-0-1 to NOT recommend this article.
835 1,695 ARTICLE 6 (Planning Board): 
"Shall the Town adopt amendment #5, as proposed by petition, to amend Section 5.6 to read as follows: 5.6 Commercial Kennel – Commercial kennels are permitted provided that they are located on lots of not less than two (2) acres, and that buildings or structures used for housing animals, animal runs, animal confinement areas, and areas used for maintenance and storage of animal waste shall be located no closer than one hundred (100) feet to any lot line."  Submitted by petition.  Planning Board voted 7-0-0 to NOT recommend this article.
1,666 819 ARTICLE 7 (Planning Board): 
"Shall the Town adopt amendment #6, as proposed by petition, amending the Goffstown Zoning Ordinance, removing a portion of the area designated as a Historic District overlay zone so that the Parker Station District as identified in Section 13.4.3 would read: The Parker Station District includes seven (7) properties identified as Map 7 lots 40, 41, 61-1, 61-6, 62, 63 and a portion of 64, said portion bounded by Mast Road to its south, lot 63 to its west, lot 65 to its east, and to its north, the R-1/A zoning district boundary line, which is located 350 feet from the centerline of North Mast Street. This property’s address is 216 North Mast Street.Submitted by petition.  Planning Board voted 7-0-0 to recommend this article.
786 1,705 ARTICLE 8 (Planning Board):
"Shall the Town adopt amendment #7, as proposed by petition, amending the Goffstown Zoning Ordinance, by changing the zoning of property identified as tax map 16, lot 21-2, from Residential-2 (R-2) to Commercial (C). This property’s address is 75 Daniel Plummer Road."  (2/3 ballot vote is required to pass.) Submitted by petition.  Planning Board voted 6-1-0 to NOT recommend this article.
1,260 1,376 ARTICLE 9 ($948,000 bond to replace a fire engine, 10-wheel dump truck and solid waste collection vehicle): 
"Shall the Town raise and appropriate the sum of Nine Hundred Forty Eight Thousand Dollars ($948,000) for the purpose of purchasing three vehicles to replace a 1994 Fire Engine, a 1999 ten wheel dump truck, and a 2000 Solid Waste automated collection vehicle, and to authorize the issuance of not more than Nine Hundred Forty Eight Thousand Dollars ($948,000) of bonds or notes in accordance with the Municipal Finance Act (RSA 33) and to authorize the municipal officials to issue and negotiate such bonds or notes and to determine the rate of interest thereon? Furthermore, to vote to raise and appropriate up to $219,965 for the first annual payment in 2010 and fund it with $100,000 from the Fire Apparatus Capital Reserve Fund (CRF) and up to $119,965 from taxation. Assuming a five year note at 5% interest the estimated payment schedule would be as follows:

AR    PAYMENT               FUNDING
                                    FIRE CRF   TAXATION
2010      $219,965
      $100,000      $119,965 
      $219,965                   0      $219,965
      $219,965                   0      $219,965
2013      $219,965                   0
      $219,965                   0      $219,965

(3/5 ballot vote is required to pass). (This appropriation is in addition to Article11.)
The Board of Selectmen voted 5-0-0 to recommend this article.  The Budget Committee voted 9-5-0 to recommend this article.)
1,823 855 ARTICLE 10 (Green Drainage Project):
"Shall the Town raise and appropriate the sum of One Hundred Fourteen Thousand Five Hundred Fourteen Dollars ($114,514) for the purpose of completing the original scope of the "green" drainage along South Mast Road between Pineridge Street and Wallace Road and to authorize the issuance of a note with the State Revolving Loan Fund for not more than One Hundred Fourteen Thousand Five Hundred Fourteen Dollars ($114,514) in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Finance Act (RSA 33) and to authorize the municipal officials to issue and negotiate such note and to determine the rate of interest thereon? 50% of the principal will be forgiven by the State of NH utilizing American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Funds, with the balance to be raised by taxation. This drainage project was approved at the May 2009 Special Town Meeting in the amount of $700,000. However, the bid came in $114,514 higher. This article will provide the $114,514 appropriation contingent on 50% reimbursement ($57,257) from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act thus saving the town $57,257. (3/5 majority is required to pass).The Board of Selectmen voted 5-0-0 to recommend this article.  The Budget Committee voted 12-0-0 to recommend this article.)
2,171 484 ARTICLE 11 (Town Operating Budget):
"Shall the Town of Goffstown raise and appropriate as an operating budget, not including appropriations by special warrant articles and other appropriations voted separately, the amounts set forth on the budget posted with the warrant, or as amended by vote of the first session, for the purposes set forth therein, totaling Nineteen Million Two Hundred Eight Thousand Four Hundred Seventy Seven Dollars ($19,208,477) Nineteen Million Six Hundred Ninety Five Thousand Forty One Dollars ($19,695,041)? Should this article be defeated, the default budget shall be Nineteen Million Nine Hundred Twenty Five Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy Four Dollars ($19,925,974), which is the same as last year, with certain adjustments required by previous action of the Town of Goffstown or by law or the governing body may hold one special meeting, in accordance with RSA 40:13 X and XVI, to take up the issue of a revised operating budget only.” NOTE: This article (operating budget) does not include appropriations in any other warrant article."  The Board of Selectmen voted 5-0-0 to not recommend this article.  The Budget Committee voted 11-0-1 to recommend this article.)
1,451 1,226 ARTICLE 12 ($360,000 for purchase of Barnard Property on Center Street):
"Shall the Town raise and appropriate the sum of Three Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars ($360,000) for the purpose of purchasing about 25.46 acres of Map 5 Lot 39 (a portion of the Barnard property on Center Street) which abuts the town’s Public Works facility? This parcel will help meet the town’s long term need for sand and gravel. (This appropriation is in addition to Article 11.)The Board of Selectmen voted 4-1-0 to recommend this article.  The Budget Committee voted 13-1-0 to recommend this article.)
1,556 1,116 ARTICLE 13 ($15,000 for the Goffstown Main Street Program):
"Shall the Town raise and appropriate Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000) for the purpose of supporting the nonprofit Goffstown Main Street Program, Inc.? (This appropriation is in addition to Article 11.)The Board of Selectmen voted 5-0-0 to recommend this article.  The Budget Committee voted 12-2-0 to recommend this article.)
1,617 1,057 ARTICLE 14 ($23,000 to manage milfoil on the lower Piscataquog River (aka "Namaske Lake"):
"Shall the Town raise and appropriate up to Twenty Three Thousand Dollars ($23,000) for the purpose of supporting Namaske Lake Association’s effort to manage milfoil in Namaske Lake also known as the lower portion of the Piscataquog River? The Namaske Lake Association estimates the cost of the milfoil management project at $47,000 which they plan to fund as follows: $14,000 from the State of NH; $5,000 donation from Enel North America (operator of the Kelly Falls Dam); $5,000 from local residents and Namaske Lake Association members; and $23,000 from the Town of Goffstown. (This appropriation is in addition to Article 11.) "  The Board of Selectmen voted 4-0-0 to recommend this article.  The Budget Committee voted 14-0-0 to recommend this article.)
232 527 ARTICLE 15 (Alter Land Use Change Tax allocation to Current Use from 100% to 75%):
"Shall the Town allocate a portion of the land use change tax to the administration of the Current Use program, by changing the previously approved allocation of 100% to 75% of revenues collected pursuant to RSA 79-A (the land use change tax) in a Conservation Fund, established under RSA 36-A:5, in accordance with RSA 36-A:5, III as authorized by RSA 79-A:25, IV, said funds to be used for conservation land and easement acquisition and costs associated therewith. Submitted by the Board of Selectmen
To see
1,289 1,395 ARTICLE 16 (Allow snowmobiles use of 1/2 mile of Rails Trail for access to Shell Station):
"Shall the Town authorize snowmobiles shared use on the Goffstown Rail Trail for approximately 1/2 mile of its 5-1/2 mile length, from the power line right-of-way where the NH Snowmobile Trail Corridor #11 crosses the Rail Trail at Glen Lake, approximately opposite St. Claudine Villa Academy, to the gas station at Tatro Drive?Submitted by the Board of Selectmen.
1,334 1,186 ARTICLE 17 (Permit Selectmen to rent/lease municipal property without vote or ratification from the town):
"Shall the Town authorize the Board of Selectmen to rent or lease municipal property for a term of up to 5 years without further vote or ratification of the town? Once adopted, this authority shall remain in effect until specifically rescinded by the legislative body at any duly warned meeting provided that the term of any lease entered into prior to the rescission shall remain in effect. (RSA 41:11-A III)."  Submitted by the Board of Selectmen.
1,017 1,560 ARTICLE 18 (Alterations to the current Noise Ordinance):
"Shall the Town amend the town’s Noise Ordinance as follows? Under EXCEPTIONS, add “or ice” before “removal operations” and delete “provided such operations are conducted within seventy two (72) hours of cessation of a snowstorm with an accumulation of at least three inches (3”) of snow as recorded by the U.S. Weather Service.” At the end of this section add “These provisions shall not apply to the Department of Public Works while engaged in the regular collection of refuse or recycling.”
Under PENALTIES, replace this current language “Any person violating any of the provisions of this Article shall be guilty of a violation and upon conviction thereof, shall be liable for a penalty of not more than one hundred $100.00) dollars for the first offense, and up to the maximum penalty allowed by law for each subsequent offense.” with this proposed language “Unless otherwise stated, any person or unnatural person within the meaning of the Criminal Code, who violates an ordinance shall be guilty of a violation. Pursuant to RSA 502-A:11-a, the District Court shall have jurisdiction of the prosecution of any violation of the Town of Goffstown Ordinances. All fines collected shall be for the use of the Town. The Town may enforce to the maximum penalty allowed by law. The enforcement authority may issue a summons and complaint along with a notice of fine pursuant to the procedures for pleas by mail set out in RSA 502-A:19-b.”
Under VALIDITY, replace this current language “VALIDITY: If any section or part of a section, or paragraph of this Article is declared invalid or unconstitutional, it shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of any other section or sections, or part of a section or paragraph of this Article.” with

VI. WAIVERS: The Board of Selectmen retain the authority to waive any or all provisions of this ordinance for emergencies at a duly noted meeting. 
VII. SEVERABILITY STATEMENT: If the provisions of this ordinance, or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is judged to be invalid by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such judgment shall not affect, or impair the validity of the remainder of this ordinance, or the application thereof to other persons or circumstances. 
VIII. EXCLUSIONS: These requirements shall not apply where such matters are otherwise governed by State Law."
Presented at public hearings by the Board of Selectmen.  Petition for a vote at Town Meeting.  Recommended by the Board of Selectmen 3-0-2.
1,313 1,356 ARTICLE 19 ($390,000 for the acquisition of a Land Conservation Easement):
"Shall the Town raise and appropriate the sum of Three Hundred Ninety Thousand Dollars ($390,000) for the purposes of acquisition of a land conservation easement and costs associated therewith to support the permanent conservation protection of 450± acres on Tax Map 2 Lot 59 (the Roberts Farm on Addison Road), to help stabilize the tax base, preserve the rural character of the Town and provide for passive recreation? These funds will expire at the end of 2012 if not used to protect this property.Submitted by petition.  Not recommended by the Board of Selectmen 3-2-0.  Recommended by the Budget Committee 8-3-1.
452 2,190 ARTICLE 20 ($600,000 for purchase of land behind Goffstown High School (Monty Property)):
"Shall the Town will vote to raise and appropriate Six Hundred Thousand Dollars ($600,000) to purchase approximately 106.15 acres of property adjacent to the Goffstown High School, identified as Tax Map 5 Lots 61-1 and 95-1, with a conceptual design of 10 playing fields and 225 car parking spaces? This is a Special Article pursuant to RSA 32:3 VI (a), as a petitioned article, and as Special Warrant Article pursuant to RSA 32:3 VI (d), as a non-lapsing, non-transferable appropriation for a period of five years, pursuant to RSA 32:7 VI." Submitted by petition.  Not recommended by the Board of Selectmen 5-0-0.  Not recommended by the Budget Committee 11-1-0.
222 490 ARTICLE 21 (Allow citizens to amend NH Constitution to define "marriage"):
"Shall the Town approve the following resolution to be forwarded to our State Representative(s), our State Senator, the Speaker of the House, and the Senate President? 
Resolved: The citizens of New Hampshire should be allowed to vote on an amendment to the New Hampshire Constitution that defines “marriage”.
Submitted by petition
To see "
656 1,830 ARTICLE 22 (Budget Committee to calculate school default budget):
"Shall the Town adopt the provisions of RSA 40:14-b to delegate the determination of the default budget to the municipal budget committee which has been adopted under RSA 32:14. (3/5 majority is required to pass)” Submitted by petition.  Not recommended by the Board of Selectmen 3-0-2.
697 1,964 ARTICLE 23 (Create an ordinance allowing snowmobiles on Rails Trail from Danis Park to Goffstown Vvillage):
"Shall the Town direct the Board of Selectmen to put in place an ordinance to allow the use of snowmobiles on the Goffstown Rail Trail in accordance with the Trail Enhancement Grant received by the Town of Goffstown by the Federal Government and in accordance with state trail management guidelines starting at the intersection of Danis Park Rd. to the end of the trail at the center of town." Submitted by petition.  Not recommended by the Board of Selectmen 3-0-2.


School District Articles

 SCHOOL DISTRICT ARTICLE 1 - Election of Officers:
 SCHOOL BOARD (3 for 3 years)


Lorry D. Cloutier 1,233
Phillip E. Kendall II   1,156
Dian McCarthy 1,398
Jennifer Theroux 1,645
Write-in:   Donna Pinard    118


YES NO Article
1,601 1,070 ARTICLE 2 (School District Operating Budget):
"Shall the Goffstown School District raise and appropriate as an Operating Budget, not including appropriations by special warrant articles and other appropriations voted separately, the amounts set forth on the budget posted with the warrant or as amended by vote of the first session, for the purposes set forth therein, totaling THIRTY FIVE MILLION SIX HUNDRED TWENTY SEVEN THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED NINETY TWO DOLLARS ($35,627,392.00)? Should this Article be defeated, the Default Budget shall be THIRTY SIX MILLION FOUR HUNDRED THIRTY THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED FORTY SIX DOLLARS ($36,430,646.00), which is the same as last year, with certain adjustments required by previous action of the Goffstown School District or by law; or the governing body may hold one special meeting, in accordance with RSA 40:13, X and XVI, to take up the issue of a revised Operating Budget only. This warrant article (the Operating Budget Article) does not include appropriations in ANY other warrant articles. (Majority vote is required.)" The School Board voted 7-1-0 to not recommend. The Budget Committee voted 9-3-0 to recommend.
1,535 1,127 ARTICLE 3 (Engineering and Architectural Study):
"Shall the Goffstown School District raise and appropriate up to the sum of TWO HUNDRED FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($215,000.00) to conduct engineering and architectural plans for the expansion and renovation of the School District’s elementary school facilities? This will be a non-lapsing appropriation per RSA 32:7 and will not lapse until the plans for the expansion and renovation of the elementary schools are complete or by June 30, 2012 whichever is earlier. Funds to come from impact fees available on July 1 of 2010. This appropriation has no tax impact. This appropriation is in addition to Warrant Article #2, the Operating Budget Article. (Majority vote required.)"  The School Board voted 7-0-0 to recommend. The Budget Committee voted 13-1-0 to recommend.
768 1,886 ARTICLE 4 (Bartlett Elementary School Capital Reserve Fund):
"Shall the School District raise and appropriate up to the sum of THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($300,000.00) to be added to the existing Bartlett Elementary School Facilities Capital Reserve Fund for Phase II of the upgrade and expansion of the Bartlett Elementary School? Furthermore, to fund this trust from the year end undesignated fund balance available on July 1 of 2010. This appropriation is in addition to Warrant Article #2, the Operating Budget Article. (Majority vote required.)" The School Board voted 6-1-0 to recommend. The Budget Committee voted 11-2-1 to NOT recommend.
1,444 1,152 ARTICLE 5 (Rename Bartlett Elementary School Capital Reserve Fund):
"Shall the School District change the purpose of an existing Bartlett Elementary School Facilities Capital Reserve Fund to the Elementary School Facilities Renovation Capital Reserve Fund? Furthermore, to see if the School District will vote to designate the School Board as agents to expend from the Elementary School Facilities Renovation Capital Reserve Fund. This article has no tax impact. (2/3 vote required)" The School Board voted 7-0-0 to recommend.
944 1,603 ARTICLE 6 (Budget Committee to calculate school default budget):
"Shall we adopt the provisions of RSA 40:14-b to delegate the determination of the default budget to the municipal budget committee which has been adopted under RSA 32:14? (3/5 Majority vote required.)  Submitted by petition. The School Board voted 6-0-1 to not recommend.
934 1,615 ARTICLE 7 (Insert SAU Budget as a Separate Warrant Article):
"Shall the voters of the Goffstown school district within school administrative unit number 19 adopt the provisions of RSA 194-C:9-b to allow for insertion of the school administrative unit budget as a separate warrant article at annual school district meeting? (Majority vote required.)"  Submitted by Petition.  The School Board voted 6-0-1 to not recommend.




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