October 2,
No New Spending!
A lot of people in Goffstown, and
New Hampshire, Republicans and Democrats alike, have taken, directly or indirectly, the “No New Taxes” pledge. This hopefully is to prevent an escalation of overall taxation.
This “pledge” also keeps the dreaded income tax on the “back burner” even if it is reasonable to question if the property tax is a fair tax at all.
It must work because New Hampshire is 48th in the nation in overall taxation and it appears that
New Hampshire is proud of that statistic. Of course that means that some miscellaneous tax revenues and property taxes are the main source of income. The property tax is especially appreciated for one main
reason: The local Property Tax gives a large measure of local control over taxation by controlling local spending!
If “No New Taxes” are desired, then there is a necessary, clear and present
“No New Spending!”
Local taxpayers can simply go to the deliberative sessions and polls and vote their preference.
Hopefully the town departments, the Selectman and the School Board have all done their jobs in advance to “level fund” or make cuts as necessary as dictated by anticipated revenues.
The Goffstown Budget Committee is also in a position to prepare the budgets, town and schools, as dictated in
state RSA 32.
The Budget Committee can also prepare the Default Budget if the town desires.
New public employee contracts get to be voted on in the town.
These are challenging times requiring decisive action.
Property values are down and some homeowners are “underwater” and in outright default. The national statistic is roughly one in eight. That is a lot of people.
Many Taxpayers are under/unemployed or in fear of soon losing their job. The national statistic is one in eight. That is a lot of people.
Too many taxpayers are deeply in debt and a paycheck or two away from not paying all the bills. The debt levels in the
U.S. are higher than they have ever been in history.
It is fair, reasonable and a perfect time to say: “No New Spending.”
I thought that you had a right to know.