Editorials published by the Goffstown Residents
Association are written by various members and
contributing non-members of the GRA.

December 24,, 2009
Things No Better at MVMS

Did you see the Grievance Hearing last September that went before the Goffstown School Board? This writer is the teacher involved in that hearing. So, what has occurred since the hearing? The oppressed have called me a hero while administrators have stepped aside to let me pass without voicing a greeting and the taxpayers have footed the bill of $25,000 in attorneys’ fees while I personally paid out $5700 in attorneys’ fees.

Any rational human being would think the very public allegations of intimidation and harassment of teachers and staff at Mountain View Middle School by administrators would have compelled the abuse to stop, right? Well, if an observer had attended the last two Teacher Workshop days at MVMS, they would have seen the teachers and administrators engaged in game playing; said games intended to improve the existing poor relationship between the administration and staff at MVMS. However, two weeks ago I received a phone call from a teacher at MVMS who had been in a meeting with two MVMS administrators and one SAU administrator. I heard uncontrollable sobbing as they attempted to speak with me because as a result of the meeting this teacher needed to pull over on the side of the road, having a meltdown. A feeling of dread filled me as the line went dead. In response, I called someone I knew would be able to reach this teacher immediately because I was concerned for their wellbeing. 

That teacher was back in the classroom teaching your children the very next day. Does this story concern you? Does it make you ask questions? Does the current administration want to assist teachers to be the best they can be or do they want to drive them out of their jobs? Is the current administration’s behavior ethical? Is their behavior moral? These questions and more need to be asked and the Goffstown School Board needs to answer them. Will you join me in asking the questions?




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