MARCH 4, 2010
John Burt asks for your vote on Tuesday

To the Editor:

A vote for John Burt will be a vote well spent.  I will be diligent in watching over your hard earned tax dollars.  I believe that the great services that we have in Goffstown can be provided with a little less pork. In these tough economic times, we as tax payers can not afford to pay higher taxes. 

Click here to view John Burt's video

The warrant articles being presented on the town ballot should not offer any increases in taxes, instead we are being faced with a 12% increase minimally.  Some of the warrant articles are favorable to the town but not at this time.  

I am in favor of town land acquisitions but not at a time when we are all struggling with our own personal financial troubles.  I have attended several town meetings and have served on a few committees in town.  I also watch the budget committee and selectmen meetings on TV.  

It astonishes me some of the comments I hear, like a repeated proposal to increase the vehicle registration fees for the town by $5.00, just because we can without a public vote.  A $5.00 fee will likely not cause too much concern to most residents, however, a series of $5.00 fees do add up.  It’s this kind of attitude that needs to stop. Any increases will not be acceptable at this time.  

In our own households, we can’t spend money that we don’t have.  If an expense arises, some other area of our budget has to take a back seat.  My wife and I enjoyed a trip to Alaska a few years ago when the economy was good.  We have not planned another trip due to the need to tighten our belts.  The town should follow the same example. 

I like how everyone is a fiscal conservative these days.  Then why are our town and school taxes going up this year by 12% minimally to possibly 21%?  That does not sound fiscally conservative to me.  I on the other hand am a real fiscal conservative and if I am elected I will show you.  My phone and e-mail will be open for any questions.  Please vote, John Burt, Budget Committee.

John Burt History: I was born in 1960 and was raised in Vermont when Vermont was the most conservative state in the nation.  I became a business owner in the 1980’s.  I watched as Vermont changed from the most conservative state to the most liberal.  They are very anti-business.  One night in the late 1990’s, I jumped into the Connecticut River from my home in Barnet, VT and swam to refuge in New Hampshire.  I have been here ever since.  New Hampshire is much more appealing to businesses.  I have been a resident of Goffstown since 2003.  My wife was born and raised here.  We both love this town.


  • Small business owner
  • Member of the Chief Executives Club of Boston
  • Goffstown-Weare GOP
  • Hillsborough County GOP
  • Member of Goffstown Solid Waste Committee
  • Past member of the ADA Ad-Hoc Committee US Sign Counsel
  • Tree Care Industry
  • International Society of Arboriculture
  • Vermont GOP party, (and yes there is one).

John Burt
(603) 624-5084



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