To the Editor:
So now Obama proposes to spend another $50 billion on roads, trains and runways to create jobs.
I thought the
Democrat’s earlier stimulus package was all about job creation, wasn’t it?
Weren’t we supposed to see lots of “shovel-ready” jobs?
We did see a lot of government job hiring that the
White House touted as job growth. Why were census workers, a part-time job, counted “shovel-ready”
as job growth?
Now Obama wants $50 billion more. Whatever happened to the initial stimulus package
and the trillion dollars spent there?
It is funny that Obama still blames the Republicans for
thwarting his initiatives even though there are Democrats who are reluctant to add more money to this
administration’s huge deficit.
If I could meet Obama today, I would ask him, “Who will be paying for all of these initiatives, and
when, if ever, will the buck stop at his desk?”
I would tell him that the economy is not the
Republicans’ or George Bush’s fault.
This new round
of reckless spending is just another $50 billion
we don't have.
Jason T.