November 10, 2010
Goffstown Projects; you know what I am talking about

To the Editor:

Perhaps the lowest bidder is selected to cost less.  Perhaps the project was taken 'in house' to be more cost effective. You know what I am talking about - the roundabouts at Grasmere and Wallace and the Pinardville sewer upgrades. 

I ask what the real cost of these projects ends up being? 

The aggravation for months on end of torn up roads, detours seven days a week twenty four hours a day, significant loses inflicted upon business owners, construction delays, impassable roadways especially for emergency vehicles, untold gallons of fuel and tons of pollution and dust, and so on and so on.

Significant projects are best managed by project managers using proven project management techniques.  Managers and supervisors experienced in ongoing operational or maintenance processes are not necessarily qualified in project management - projects are a different animal to tame.  The coordination of time, personnel, materials to succeed in timely delivery of a project is virtually impossible when the availability of those resources are subject to change without notice - a major weather event is a great example.  A seasoned project manager is hardly phased by such events and can focus its additional capacity to quickly make the changes necessary to make the delivery date on schedule. 

Good project management cost money and saves money - saving money in the long run.

Bill Gordon





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