To the Editor:
Dec 2nd, at the Budget Committee deliberation
on the town budget, BOS Chairman Scott Gross blamed the increases in the Parks and Recreation budget upon the poor condition of P&R facilities left by the prior P&R Director, Dave French.
In his defense, Dave ran a very lean operation and was often praised by various BOS members for being a fiscal tightwad. Being that Mr. French was a direct report to the Board of Selectmen, the cause of the P&R budget increase comes from the failure of the Board of Selectmen to monitor P&R operations over the years.
On the prior Monday evening, the Board of Selectmen decided to fire the contractor doing the Wallace/Mast roundabout project.
Finally! Hooray!
Many weeks ago, Chairman Gross attempted to blame for the delay upon the fact that "you get what you pay for"; that is, the low bidder was selected.
I remind you that the BOS signed the contract, not the PDW Director.
In my opinion, the lack of proper project management on the town's part is a major contributor to this disaster.
In other words, Public Works did not stay on top of the project.
The DPW Director is a direct report to the Board of Selectmen.
Again, Mr. Gross and the BOS own this failure because, since school resumed, there has been enough public outcry and press about this bungled project to peek their attention.
I could go on and on about the failure of our leaders; however, I will not at this time.
Let's get something straight: the two governing bodies in Goffstown (that is, the Board of Selectmen and the School Board) are responsible for their respective operations and the delivery of services.
If they cannot find grounds to discipline a department head, superintendent or principal that is failing to do their job, they have no one but themselves to blame.
Bill Gordon