January 8,
PLC Announces New Board Members
- The Piscataquog Land Conservancy is pleased to announce the election of three new members of the Board of Directors, Paul Doscher of Weare, Bob Stamps of Henniker, and Dwight Sowerby of Lyndeborough.
Paul Doscher serves as Vice President for Land Conservation at the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests, where his responsibilities include leadership of the land protection program and the easement stewardship program. Mr. Doscher serves as trustee for Trout Unlimited, is a member of the State Parks Advisory Council and the Connecticut Lakes Headwaters Citizens Advisory Council (both appointed by the Governor), and is a past member of the Weare Planning Board, Weare Conservation Commission, and the John Stark Regional School Board. A former professor of Environmental Science at New England College, Mr. Doscher and his wife Deb own Windcrest Farm in Weare, which they protected with a PLC conservation easement in 2004.
Bob Stamps has worked for Westinghouse Electric Corporation on the AWACS defense system, Smith Seckman Reid Consulting Engineers out of Nashville, and most recently Hewlett Packard, in support engineering, product marketing, and research and development. He currently serves the Town of Henniker on the Conservation Commission, the Zoning Board of Adjustment, and the Open Space Committee. Mr. Stamps is a past board member of the Henniker Historical Society, where he also served as the Society’s Museum Curator.
As an Associate Attorney with Drescher & Dokmo PA in Milford, Dwight Sowerby spends much of his time reviewing documents related to open space development, conservation easements, and subdivisions, along with work in elder law, municipal law, and estate planning. Dwight has served on the boards of several nonprofit organizations, including the Pine Hill Waldorf School in Wilton, Home Healthcare, Hospice and Community Services in Keene, and St. Joseph's Home Health Care and Hospice.
The three new board members join existing members Len Allen of Francestown, Sherry Hieber, Barbara Griffin and Bill Tucker of Goffstown, Carol Hess, Mica Stark and Gail Parker of New Boston, David Preece of Manchester, and Jerry Shinn of Weare.
The Piscataquog Land Conservancy is a member supported regional land trust working to conserve the natural and scenic environment of the Piscataquog River Region of South Central New Hampshire. Now protecting over 4,500 acres of land in 11 communities! Visit us at
by the Goffstown Residents Association.